
Friday, June 22, 2018

C1A Weekly Lesson Report :1

Weekly Lesson Report:2                   Date:17th June - 22nd June 2018 Class:1A
Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities did this week: The learner profile attributes which were recapitulated
this week was caring, inquirer, thinker, knowledgeable and communicator,
were involved in a mime game and drawing activity to demonstrate their understanding
about the attributes.
Upcoming activities / HW: The learner profile attribute which will be focussed next week is

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Activities did this week: Students  were tuned in to the new topic through the doughnut activity,
and become self-aware and used proper terms to describe self to their friends,
students understand the central idea in simple words and comprehend it easily with the help of a teacher,
students draft words related to unit and note it down in their notebooks
Upcoming activities/ HW:Help your child to visit given link to know more All about me

Subject: Math
Activities did this week: Students prior knowledge in numbers 1-50, number names (1-20) and before, after, between numbers were assessed,
Students counted the given pictures and match to the appropriate number.
Students wrote numbers 1-100 and number names 1-20 in their notebooks.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Hw given, practice number names 1-20

Subject: English
Activities did this week: Students prior knowledge in three letter words was assessed, Students played a game and came up with words on their own beginning with the following blends: fl, gl,cl, sl, bl,
students wrote blends in their notebooks. students read and completed the sight words worksheets.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Hw given,

Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week:حروف تہجی کا اعادہ کروایا اور ان کو حرکات زبر,زیر و پیش کے ساتھ پڑھایا گیا اس کے
اعلاوہ تمام حروف تہجی کو حرکتوں کےساتھ پڑھایا گیا۔ حروف تہجی کو پڑھیے اور اس کو یاد کرئیے۔
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: Hindi
Activities did this week:अ  की पहचान करवाया गया ।
कविता को पढ़ा या  गया ।
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Telugu
Activities did this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Art
Activities did this week: Students learnt different types of lines and patterns.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: ICT
Activities did this week: Students discussed essential agreements
with their peers through a group activity, they came up with their own essential
agreements and written in their notes and practised computer song.
Upcoming activities/ HW: watch a video using below link

Subject: P.E
Activities did this week: Ladder activity, develops strength, gross motor skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: G.K.
Activities did this week: students completed My self in pg 1
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Library
Activities did this week: Students discussed essential agreements with their peers
through a group activity, they came up with their own essential agreements
and written in their notes

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