
Saturday, July 28, 2018

PP1C Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report:   6 Date: 22-7-2018 to 27-7-2018                 Class: PP1C                          Class teacher: Ms. Fatima Mirza

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week: Students did Inquiry about the  different types of play. Inquirer LP was focussed.
Upcoming activities / HW: Students will play with the manipulatives given to them and show their creativity and make new things {thinker LP will be focussed}
Subject: Unit Of)Inquiry
THEME:-   How we express ourselves
TOPIC:-  Playing is fun
CENTRAL IDEA:-  Through play we express our feelings and ideas and come to new understanding

  • Communicating through play
  • Imaginative use of materials
  • The role of toys in play

  • Activities done this week:FINDING OUT :Students discussed with their parents and grandparents and filled the form in which they inquired about the games which they played in their childhood. The things which were discussed in the circle time were
  • Usage of mobile phone and ipads
  • And things which are harmful should not be used while playing.
Upcoming activities/ HW:  Students will do data handling activity. Please help your child in pasting the things which are harmful and useful while playing.
Subject: English
Activities done this week: Introduction of letter Cc was done with related objects.Flip book was made by the students.
Karadi Path : Students did action commands and enjoyed rhyme “Kaa Kaa shrek the crow “followed by tracing in tarjani books.

Upcoming activities/ HW:  Letter Dd will be introduced.Make your child practice letter ‘Aa’ ‘Bb’ and Cc.Help your child  to complete the page number 88 in Firefly book .
Subject: Math
Activities done this week:Number 3 was introduced followed by written work in Firefly
Upcoming activities/ HW : Number 4 will be introduced with related activities.Help your child in completing page numbers 5 and 6.Make them practice numbers 1, 2, and 3 with values.

Subject: Art
Activities done this week:  Students learnt the basic patterns of arts i.e; standing line, sleeping line and zig zag line. This activity was done by using a wool and the students enjoyed making the patterns with wool and pasted in their scrap books.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Students will do vegetable printing.

Subject: Music
Activities done this week: Children enjoyed Chandamama rhyme in music class. Building Mosque rhyme was introduced.Students played casio keys.
Upcoming activities/ HW..Students will play casio keys and will recite new rhyme.
Subject: P.E
Activities done this week:. Students did colour identification game to improve their eye hand coordination. Students enjoyed free play .
Upcoming activities/ HW: Students will enjoy free play and BEAN BAG activity will be done to improve their gross motor skills.



C1C Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report: 7               Date: 23rd - 27th July 2018                      Class 1C

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week: The learner profile attribute concentrated upon this week was ‘inquirer’ as the students posed questions about different things.
Upcoming activities / HW:

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Activities done this week:
Central idea: Awareness of our characteristics, abilities and interests informs our learning and

Line of inquiry: ·  
  • Physical, social and emotional characteristics ( form)

  • Similarities and differences between ourselves and others (reflection)

  • Personal abilities and interests(perspective)

  • students decided upon few activities of common interest and individually recognized their interests by pasting their name under their favorite activity.
  • children identified how people are different in terms of complexion, cultures, and looks by coloring the outline of a butterfly.
  • they reflected on their personal interests through diamond ranking activity after which they carried out gallery walk and appreciated one of their friends work by talking about what they liked in their friend's activity
  • Formative Assessment was done on the second line of inquiry.
Upcoming activities/ HW:  Complete the given worksheet of student’s timeline by pasting student’s photographs from birth to current year.

Subject: Math
Activities done this week:  
  • Recapitulation of the nonstandard unit of measurement was done and reasons for use of the standard unit of measurement was identified.
  • students measured whiteboard, window, and door with the help of meter tape and they measured small objects like pencil, eraser, sharpener, book etc using a scale in cms.
  • students defined standard unit of measurement and learned to draw lines using a scale corresponding to 3cm, 5cm and 10cm.
  • students learned the meaning of estimate and completed a worksheet by estimating measurement and then measuring given objects with scale.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Homework is given in notebook.
Subject: English
Activities done this week:
  • students identified that singular nouns which end with ch, sh, x will have 'es' in the plural form.
  • students executed spoken and action commands followed by activities of power reader and power story in Karadipath session 4 and 5.
  • students wrote the sight words, revised singular/plural nouns through a game.
  • Introduction of adjectives was done by describing their mother.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Complete the homework given in grammar notebook by identifying singular and plural nouns.

Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week:مفرد حروف تہجی کی شناخت کی گئی اور حروف علت (ا, و, ی, ے) کو
 جانا اور ان کے ساتھ مفرد حروف تہجی کو جوڑ کر پڑھا گیا ساتھ ساتھ حروف علت کولکھا گیا
Upcoming activities/ HW:  اُردو میں کوئی ایک مختصر نظم کو یاد کرئیے۔       
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week: गतिविधि द्वारा वर्णमाला [स्वर ]पढ़ाये गए।
                                          पुस्तकों में लिखाया गया।

Upcoming activities/ HW:  पुस्तकों में ग्रह कार्या दिया गया।

Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students drew a portrait of themselves.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students learned about Computer mouse (left click, right click & scrollbar)
drew in there notebooks
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week:      

Students performing activity by using various parts of the body.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week: students learned the names for a group of things e.g., apple, banana etc together are known as fruits
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Library
Activities done this week: Activities done this week: About the book, Students depicted the storybook. Eg. Title,
Author’s name, Illustrator, Publisher, and Characters.


Notice: English-Spell drill on Wednesday(1-08-18)

Friday, July 27, 2018

PP1 B Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report: 6                    Date: 23rd-27th july 2018                 Class: PP1 B
Class Teacher: Mrs. Asiya Fatima
Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week: Students showed interest and their understanding on the learner profile “Thinker”.
Upcoming activities / HW:Learner profile “inquirer” will be carried forward.
Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Activities done this week: Students had free play with manipulatives and create different things like robot, gun, snake, etc. and showed their ability as a thinker.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Students has to find out the useful toys and harmful things during play and need to paste the related pictures from old newspaper or magazine in the scrapbook.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week: Number “3”was introduced to the students through different objects & flash cards.
Students did counting of numbers from 1-10 with beads.

Upcoming activities/ HW:  Introduction of number 4 will be done. Page number 5 & 6 in Math-A firefly notebook.
Subject: English
Activities done this week: Introduction of letter “Cc”  was done through real objects and models. Recapitulation of  alphabet “Aa”, “Bb”and strokes was also done.
KARADI PATH:Students did session number  3 of power action and session 3 of power music.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Page number  88 in english firefly .

Subject: Art
Activities done this week:   Students learnt the basic patterns of arts i.e; standing line, sleeping line and zig zag line. This activity was done by using a wool and the students enjoyed making the patterns with wool and pasted in their scrap books.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Students will do vegetable printing.

Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week:  Students played with big balls this helps in developing their gross motor skills.
Music: Students enjoyed playing casio and learn the new song “building of the mosque”.



C1A Weeekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report:  7 Date: 23rd July -27th July                    Class: 1A

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week:  Learner profile attribute which focussed this week
is “reflective” as students focussed on their personal abilities and interests.

Upcoming activities / HW: Learner profile attribute which will be
focussed next week is reflective

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry:
Central idea: Awareness of our characteristics, abilities and
interests informs our learning and development.

Line of inquiry: ·  
  • Physical, social and emotional characteristics ( form)
  • Similarities and differences between ourselves and others (reflection)
  • Personal abilities and interests(perspective)

Activities done this week:
students recalled a few activities of common interest and individually
recognize their interest by pasting their name under their favourite activity.

students colour the outline of butterfly in group activity

Students reflected on their personal interests through diamond ranking
activity after which they carried out gallery walk and appreciated one
of their friends work by talking about what they liked about their friend's activity

Formative Assessment was done on the second line of inquiry.

Upcoming activities/ HW:  Complete the given worksheet of students timeline
by pasting students photographs from birth to current year.

Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
students recapitulation non-standard unit of measurement  and understands
the use of the standard unit of measurement

students measured their height, whiteboard, window and door
with the help of metre tape and they measured small objects like
pencil, eraser, sharpener, book etc using a scale in cms.

students defined standard unit of measurement and learned to
draw lines using a scale corresponding to 3cm, 6cm and 10cm.

students learned the meaning of estimate and defined it.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Hw given in classwork

Subject: English
Activities done this week:
Students identified singular nouns which end with ch, sh, x and
o changes to plural by adding ‘es’.

Students read and write sight words  for spe
ll drill
in a notebook, recap noun and opposites.

Students listened  to the story and participate in
            activity in KP session 5 and 6.

Introduction of adjective was done, students
 describe the elephant using an adjective.

Upcoming activities/ HW: Complete the homework given in the notebook by
identifying singular and plural nouns

Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week:مفرد حروف تہجی کی شناخت کی گئی اور حروف علت
(ا, و, ی, ے) کو جانا اور ان کے ساتھ
مفرد حروف تہجی کو جوڑ کر پڑھا گیا ساتھ ساتھ حروف علت کولکھا گیا
Upcoming activities/ HW:  اُردو میں کوئی ایک مختصر نظم کو یاد کرئیے۔

Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week: गतिविधि द्वारा वर्णमाला [स्वर ]पढ़ाये गए।
                                         पुस्तकों में लिखाया गया।

Upcoming activities/ HW:  पुस्तकों में ग्रह कार्या दिया गया।

Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students drew a portrait of themselves.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students learnt about Computer
mouse (left click, right click & scrollbar) and drew in their notebooks.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Activities done this week: About the book, Students depicted the story book
. Eg. Title, Author’s name, Illustrator, Publisher and Characters.

Subject: G.K.
Activities  done this week : students completed pg 14 in G.K

Upcoming activities/ HW: