
Saturday, September 15, 2018

PP 1 Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report:12  Date: 11 - 14 Sept’2018 PP 1 C   Class teacher: Ms. Zubaida Begum

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week:Attitude enthusiasm was focused
Upcoming activities / HW:  LP Inquirer will be focused

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
THEME:-  "How we organize ourselves"
TOPIC:- Community helpers
CENTRAL IDEA:-  People play different roles in the communities to which they belong.
● Various communities we belong to
● Roles of people who are part of our communities
● How communities are organized
Activities done this week: Students watched the videos of community helpers and inquired about them.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: English
Activities done this week: Recapitulation of letter “Aa - Hh ” was done with related objects. Ii - Jj was introduced with related  objects.
Karadi Path: Students did action commands and enjoyed rhyme “sa says the sunflower….”followed by tracing in tarjani and also did finger.

Upcoming activities/ HW: Letter Jj will be introduced with related hand on activities followed by written work in Firefly.Please help your child to complete  the worksheets given.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week:Recapitulation of numbers 1- 10was done.Number 8 and 9 was introduced followed by related activities in fire fly. Pre Mathematical concept Fat and thin was be  introduced.
Upcoming activities/ HW : Number 11 will be introduced with related activities followed by written work in Firefly. Please help your child to complete  the worksheets given.
Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students made community helper  “firefighter” and “Nurse” by paper folding and pasting technique. This helped students develop fine motor and gross motor skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: Music
Activities done this week: Students recited the rhyme of postman “Here comes a postman”
Upcoming activities/ HW..Students will learn the rhyme of cobbler.
Upcoming activities/ HW..
Subject: P.E
Activities done this week: Students did catch and throw ball activity to develop eye hand coordination.

Upcoming :

C4B Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report:  12 Date: 10.09.2018 to 14.09.2018             Class:C4 B
Subject: Learner Profile         
Activities done this week: IB Learner Attribute courageous was focused to teach students how to be prepared for hazardous situations.
Upcoming activities / HW: IB Learner Attribute courageous will be focused to teach students how to be prepared for hazardous situations.

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Topic: Natural Hazard
Lines of Inquiry:
  • The different natural disasters
  • Reasons why hazards occur
  • The impact of hazards on the environment
  • Ways in which people cope with hazards
Activities done this week:
  • Students wrote summative assessment on the beach and mention the ways in which humans cope with hazards and ways to prevent it through descriptive writing.
  • Students wrote reflection and about their understanding on the topic role model.
  • Students used baking soda, colour and vinegar to conduct the experiment of the volcanic experiment and mars bars to understand the movement of earth’s crust.
  • Students learnt the earthquake drill Drop, cover, hold in the classroom.
Upcoming activities/ HW: NO

Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
  • Students were made to prepare for their Summative Assessment.
  • A practice sheet was made to practise by the students.
  • Teacher cleared the doubts and made sure that all the topics are recaptured.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

  •   Basic multiplication to be practised
  • Prepare the child for multiplication tables  from 2-10

Subject: English
Activities done this week:
  • Students wrote the words for senses and made sentences on it.
  • Students wrote the words for smell and make sentences on it.
  • Students read the given task cards and find out the adjectives from it and frame new sentences of their own.
  • Students changed the degrees of comparison from comparative degree to superlative degree.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Complete the given tasksheet.

Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week: اردو کی پہلی کتاب سے کہانی پڑھائی گئی اور ایک نظم یاد کرنے کو کہا گیا اس کے علاوہ امتاحان کا پورشن سمجھایا گیا
Upcoming activities/ HW:    امتحان کی تیاری کریں
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
पक्षियो के नाम पढाए और लिखाए गए |
संज्ञा और विशेषण करवाया गया |
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Telugu
Activities done this week:
Assessment practice worksheet has done and they wrote Ottula Vargikarana {Different types of Maatras}  
Summative Assessment has Done.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Refer the link given below

Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students did paintings on natural disaster.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: ICT
Activities done this week:Students completed the assessment task (making powerpoint presentation on Natural hazards)
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week:basic warm up, dart board play.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week: Chapter 12 completed
Upcoming activities/ HW Learnf the previous taught.

Notice: Please decorate the portfolio and send it back on Monday.

C4A Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report: 13  Date: 10th -14th September 2018     Class: C4A
Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week:IB Learner Attribute courageous was focused to teach students how to be prepared for hazardous situations.
Upcoming activities / HW: IB Learner Attribute courageous will be focused to teach students how to be prepared for hazardous situations.

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Topic: Natural Hazard
Lines of Inquiry:
  • The different natural disasters
  • Reasons why hazards occur
  • The impact of hazards on the environment
  • Ways in which people cope with hazards
Activities done this week:
  • Students were introduced to LOI-4 ways in which people cope with hazards.
  • Students learnt the earthquake drill and performed FA-4 by doing the drill.
  • Students wrote about precautionary measures to be taken before the natural disasters.
  • Students learnt about backpack essentials and the after effects of hazard.
Upcoming activities/ HW:  
  • Prepare for summative assessment - Descriptive writing “on the beach.”
  • Refer the given links to learn about natural disasters:

Subject: English
Activities done this week:  
  • Students were introduced to degrees of comparison. They changed the degrees of words given.
  • Students practise for summative assessment to describe their writing “on the beach” using all their senses.
Listening and Speaking:
  • Students listen and read aloud about their acrostic poems written on Natural disaster and make their own rhythm.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
  • Refer the given to learn about adjectives:

Subject : Math
Activities done this week:
  • Students were made to prepare for their Summative Assessment.
  • A practice sheet was made to practise by the students.
  • Teacher cleared the doubts and made sure that all the topics are recaptured.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
  •     Basic multiplication to be practised
  • Prepare the child for multiplication tables from 2-10

Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week: اردو کی پہلی کتاب سے کہانی پڑھائی گئی اور ایک نظم یاد کرنے کو کہا گیا اس کے علاوہ امتاحان کا پورشن سمجھایا گیا
Upcoming activities/ HW:    امتحان کی تیاری کریں
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
पक्षियो के नाम पढाए और लिखाए गए |
संज्ञा और विशेषण करवाया गया |
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: Telugu
Activities done this week:
Assessment practice worksheet has done and they wrote Ottula Vargikarana {Different types of Maatras}  
Summative Assessment has Done.

Upcoming activities/ HW:
Refer the link given below

Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students did paintings on natural disaster.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students completed the assessment task (making powerpoint presentation on Natural hazards)
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week: No class.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Practice the previous chapters.

Students did experiments to show volcanic eruption and explained about volcano, wild fire and tornado. 

C1B Weekly Lesson Report


Weekly lesson report: 14         Date: 10th - 14th September 2018           Class 1B                   

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week: The learner profile attribute focused on this week was “reflective” as the students took assessments.
Upcoming activities / HW:

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry

How we express ourselves
Central Idea

Celebrations and traditions are expressions of shared beliefs and values.
Why people celebrate
Features of traditions and celebrations
Symbolic representations of celebrations and traditions

Activities done this week:  
This week the students
  • classified festivals into religious, personal, national and international festivals according to their features through picture pasting activity
  • Inspected the features of celebrations by coloring their favorite festivals in the given worksheet.
  • built a deeper understanding of the key features of festivals by drawing them.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Complete the hw worksheet given 
FA1 on the first LOI will be held on Monday 17-09-18

Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
This week the students were able to
  • Show their understanding by working out questions in the summative assessment.
  • Add by the method "say it, make it and write the answer" by drawing objects for each number and identify the right answer from given multiple choice (MCQ's) by solving sums given in firefly workbook.
  • mentally solve addition of numbers with 1 and 2 by solving sums given in firefly workbook.
  • Practice addition of 1 digit number in their notebook.
Upcoming activities/ HW: click on this link to improve addition skill. click on this link to learn to solve addition problems in an exciting way.

Subject: English
Activities done this week:  
This week the students were able to
  • spell and build words with R blends as they played several team games.
  • write words with R blends in their notebooks.
  • Karadipath: learned new sight words related to the new story “just one paisa” and practiced identified commands and recited the rhyme “Eid is here” along with its actions, in sessions 18 & 19 respectively.
Upcoming activities/ HW: click on this link to help your child read better.
Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week: Assessment was taken in urdu.
Upcoming activities/ HW:  حروف تہجی ا سژ تک لکھئے اور تصاویر کو دیکھ کر ان کا پہلا حرف لکھئیے۔
حروف علت کو پہچان کر دائرہ لگائیے اور نیچے لکھئیے۔

Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW: complete the homework worksheet sent

Subject: Telugu
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Art
Activities done this week: students did craft work based on Halloween.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Music
Activities done this week: Assessment conducted
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students learned to open Paint and they done it practically.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week: students were made aware of the sad incident on 11th September 2001.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Library
Activities done this week:

Passed: Ganesh Chaturthi
Upcoming: Holiday on 21st September on account of Ashura