
Friday, February 15, 2019

C3A Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report:  33 Date: 11th - 15th  Feb 2018               Class: 3A

Subject: Learner’s Profile
Activities done this week          
The LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE that was explained this week was being OPEN-MINDED & REFLECTIVE. It means to be receptive about new ideas and things about other people and their beliefs. It was a great to see the children being little inquirers putting on their thinking caps by learning about the different cultures, understanding and reflecting at them and looking through a broader perspective,  children were very excited and enthusiastic to find out more about other cultures and find out the similarities and differences.
Upcoming activities / HW:
It was a great pleasure to see the students enjoying the activities in class. The LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE that was explained this week was being OPEN-MINDED & REFLECTIVE. It means to be receptive about new ideas and things about other people and their beliefs. It was a great to see the children being little inquirers putting on their thinking caps by learning about the different cultures, understanding and reflecting at them and looking through a broader perspective,  children were very excited and enthusiastic to find out more about other cultures and find out the similarities and differences.
Please help them in their work. Thank you!

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Activities done this week:
THEME:-   Who we ae
CENTRAL IDEA:-   People’s cultural background has an impact on their beliefs, values and actions.
  1. What constitutes culture.(Forms=> How is it like?)
  2. How people use different experiences to inform their perspectives.(Perspective=>What are the points of view?)
  3. The connections between beliefs and values, and the actions taken in response to them -.(Connection=>How is it connected to other things?)
Finding Out:-   
  1. Discussed different cultures to have experience and view different cultures from different perspectives-LOI-2.
  2. LOI-2 assessment done in form of Venn diagram(similarities and differences).
  3. Discussion on beliefs and values LOI-3.
  4. Notes were written in the UOI notebooks.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
    1. Inquiry on finding out their own beliefs and values.

Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
  1. Learnt 2, 3, 4, 5 & 10 times tables and did a quiz on it.
  2. Mental math with Ten Quick Questions.
  3. Multiplication with the single digit and word problems
  1. Students continued with Subtraction(place value, number names, in the horizontal position, missing numbers & borrowing as well)
Upcoming activities/ HW
  1. Practice work for multiplication work sent.

Subject: English
Activities done this week:
  1. Task cards and follow up activity.
  2. Journal writing-My best friend……..
    1. Teacher read out the books from library on different Cultures of India(circle time activity)
    2. Students enjoyed the story of Stuck.
  1. Adverbs assessment taken.
  2. Introduction to story elements with video, examples and practice work given in C.W.
  3. Task-sheet on story elements done, after reading a book given from the library.
  1. Vocabulary from the new UOI topic Culture given.
  2. Activities with vocabulary words.
  3. Sight word spell quiz done.
Upcoming activities/ HW:-
  1. Learn sight words and vocab words for better recapitulation.
  2. Task-sheet on story elements sent.

Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
ओ की मात्रा के शब्दों और वाक्यों को पढ़ाया और लिखाया गया |
पोर्टफोलियो का कार्य करवाया गया |
Upcoming activities/ HW:
दिए गए ग्रहकार्य को सम्पूर्ण कीजिए |

Subject: Telugu
Activities done this week:
Students read and write simple words.
Students read and write new vocabulary words in Telugu.
Students practiced varnamala, signs of halluliu and Achulu.
Upcoming activities/ HW.
Complete the work given in the class work book.

Subject: Art
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Music
Activities done this week:  
Song:-    1. These are a few of my favourite things ……..
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: ICT
Activities done this week:
Students made powerpoint presentation on there topic culture by inserting animations.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: P.E
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: G.K.
  1. Spices
  2. National symbols
  3. Musical instruments
  4. Gems
  5. Tourist spots in India.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Library
Activities done this week:-  
Upcoming activities/ HW

Passed:  Field trip to Nizam’s Museum & Tribal Museum was quiet enriching and informative in connection to their UOI topic CULTURE, children were at their best behaviour and keen observers.
Upcoming: .

Diary:-  Dear Parents, Please check and sign the child’s diary on daily basis to keep yourself updated. Holiday H.W. notice sent below.