Weekly lesson report: 5 Date: 16-07-2018 - 20-07-2018 Class:Nursery B

Class Teacher: Ms. Zubaida Begum
Subject: Learner Profile
Activities done this week: The learner profile which was focussed this week was “Knowledgeable” as the students learnt about the parts of the body.
Upcoming activities / HW: Learner profile “Reflection” will be introduced.
Subject: EVS
Activities done this week: Students inquired about the bad and good habits.
Students differentiated the parts of the body. This helped students develop cognitive skills.
Rhymes related to hygiene and parts of the body were recited.
Here we go round the mulberry bush
Head shoulders knees and toes
Chubby cheeks
Two little hands go clap clap clap
Upcoming activities/ HW: “Parts of the body” will be carried forward.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week: Students watched the number songs.
Oral counting from 1-10 was done using fingers.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Oral counting using beads and fingers.
Subject: English
Activities done this week: 1.Students enjoyed the rhymes session along with the actions.
The rhymes which were recited are:
Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
Rain rain go away
I hear thunder
Johny johny yes papa
Daddy finger
ABCD song
2. Stroke “standing line” was introduced through hand gestures.
Upcoming activities/ HW: 1.oral Abcd with phonics.
2. Stroke “standing line” will be carried forward.
Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students enjoyed painting with their five fingers.
In this activity they were asked to use different fingers to use different colour paints.
This activity helped them develop fine motor skills and cognitive skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW: 1. Scribbling activities.
2.Printing activities.
Subject: Music
Activities done this week: Rhyme session was held.
God's love is so beautiful
Chanda chanda mama aaj mere ghar aana
Put right leg in, put your right leg out
Upar chanda gol gol neeche dharti gol gol
If you are happy and you know clap your hands
One way ticket
Upcoming activities/ HW: More rhymes(both hindi and english) will be recited i.e; one way ticket,
Jungle me janwar khelte hai
If you’re happy and you know clap your hands
Old macdonald had a farm
Upar pankha chalta hai
Nani teri morni
Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week:1.Students did exercises and energizer by roli poli roli poli up up up
1.Students did lacing, joined the links and arranged the blocks. This will help students develop their fine motor skills and gross motor skills.
3.Students were given free play with their newly installed equipments like slider, tunnels.
Upcoming activities/ HW:Students will do balancing activity to develop their fine motor and gross motor skills.
2. Students will be given free play.
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