
Saturday, September 29, 2018

C1Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report:  16 Date: 24th September  -28th September     Class:1A

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week:The learner profile attribute which we focused
this  week is ‘thinker’
Upcoming activities / HW: The learner profile attribute will be focused  next week is ‘inquirer’

Central idea: Celebrations and traditions are expressions
of  shared beliefs and values.
Line of inquiry:
Why people celebrate
Features of traditions and celebrations
Symbolic representations of celebrations and traditions  
Activities done this week:
Picture reading from book on festivals was done after
which the students participated in snowball activity
(they had to draw and show the color, symbol and image of
any one festival and their friends would then guess which festival it is)
FA2 - Venn diagram was done on which students selected 2
festivals and compared them (similarities and differences)

Color, symbol and image of 3 major religious festivals was done in notebook
students matched symbols to religions they belonged in their worksheet
FA3 - students selected one favorite festival and drew its color, symbol 
and image giving reasons.

Upcoming activities/ HW: New unit “Homes” to begin next week.
Paste the map or draw to show your location on the worksheet given.

Subject: Math
Activities done this week: students will be able to build words as word
families and relate to it as rhyming words
students will make a geo of each primary color and
list out things made up of those colors in their notebooks and
create color poems using those things.
Karadipath - students practiced conversation commands and
listened to the rhyme “Just one paisa” from Session 21
Upcoming activities/ HW: Read the comprehension given in notebook
and answer the questions that follow
Subject: English
Activities done this week: students will be able to build words as word families
and relate to it as rhyming words
students will make a geo of each primary color and list out things
made up of those colors in their notebooks and
create color poems using those things.
Karadipath - students practiced conversation commands and
listened to the rhyme “Just one paisa” from Session 21
Upcoming activities/ HW: Read the comprehension given in notebook and
answer the questions that follow.

Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week:  مرکب حروف تہجی کو مشق کرتے ہوئے نیچے لکھا
گیا اور حروف علت کے ساتھ تمام حروف تہجی کو لکھا گیا ۔
Upcoming activities/ HW: حروف تہجی کو پڑھے ۔
Activities done this week:  
Upcoming  activities/  HW: Conducted reading assessment to start RRL
(Reading Recovery Level) program.

Subject: Hind  
Activities done this week: छ और ज अक्षर लिखाया गया  

Upcoming activities/ HW:च वर्ग को पढ़ कर आना है |

Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students learnt to make paper sculptures.

Upcoming activities/ HW:  
Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students learnt to insert shapes
and they learnt to draw house using paint tools.

Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: P.E
Activities done this week:
Upcoming  activities/  HW:

  • Savlon presentation done in class and Prizes given for Arts competition
  • Medical test conducted by Dentist, Ophthalmologist and General physician
  • Upcoming: Holiday for Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd Oct 2018, Tuesday

PP1A Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report:15  Date: 24 - 28 Sept’2018 PP1 A   Class teacher: Ms.Meena Farath

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week:Attitude enthusiasm was focused
Upcoming activities / HW:  LP Inquirer will be focused

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
THEME:-  "How we organize ourselves"
TOPIC:- Community helpers
CENTRAL IDEA:-  People play different roles in the communities to which they belong.
● Various communities we belong to
● Roles of people who are part of our communities
● How communities are organized
Activities done this week: Students did inquiry on the given community
helpers and find out the different community helper with their  communities.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Intro of community helper and their tools.
Subject: English
Activities done this week: Recapitulation of letter “Aa - Ll ” was done
with related objects, through identification and different
task activities and  by written work in Firefly .
Karadi Path: Students did action commands and enjoyed power music
and power story followed by tracing in tarjani and also did finger
in session 11-12.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Letter  Mm will be introduced
with related hand on activities followed by written
work in Firefly. Please help your child to complete  the worksheets given.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week:Recapitulation of numbers 1- 10
with place values  was done. Different numbers activities
were given and writing practice in the number book. Intro o
f different patterns..
Upcoming activities/ HW : Numbers through place value in
tens bundle will be introduced with related activities followed
by written work in note book and activity sheets. Please help
your child to complete  the worksheets given.
Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students enjoyed making the handouts
of community helpers “baker and post man” by using paper
folding and pasting technique.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: Music
Activities done this week: Assessment was conducted.
Upcoming activities/ HW.

Subject: P.E
Activities done this week: Students did catch and throw ball activity to
develop eye hand coordination.Students did matching and
placing the balls in the same color hula hoop to develop colour
identification and gross motor skills.

Upcoming :

C1B Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report: 16       Date: 24th - 28th September 2018             Class 1B

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week: This week students were practicing “principled” and “communicator” attribute of the learner profile as they participated in several group activities.
Upcoming activities / HW: Coming week students are encouraged to be active “inquirers” and display “communicator” attributes as we are going to begin new topics in all the subjects.

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry

How we express ourselves
Central Idea

Celebrations and traditions are expressions of shared beliefs and values.
Why people celebrate
Features of traditions and celebrations
Symbolic representations of celebrations and traditions

Activities done this week:
  • Picture reading from book on festivals was done after which the students participated in snowball activity (they had to draw and show the color, symbol and image of any one festival and their friends would then guess which festival it is)
  • FA2 - Venn diagram was done on which students selected 2 festivals and compared them (similarities and differences)
  • Color, symbol and image of 3 major religious festivals was done in the notebook
  • students matched symbols to religions they belonged in their worksheet
  • FA3 - students selected one favourite festival and drew its color, symbol and image giving reasons.

Upcoming activities/ HW: New unit “Homes” to begin next week.
Paste the map or draw to show your location on the worksheet given.

Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
  • students wrote the missing numbers between 251-300.
  • word problems solved as questions were read to students and they drew objects and wrote the answers in their notebooks as the mental math activity
  • Students solved mental math problems given in their notebooks
  • Students used UNO cards and played games during circle time to formulate sums and make number bonds
Upcoming activities/ HW: complete the homework is given in firefly workbook (pgs 100 & 103)

Subject: English
Activities done this week:  students will be able to build words as word families and relate to it as rhyming words
students will make a geo of each primary color and list out things made up of those colors in their notebooks and create color poems using those things.
Karadipath - students practiced conversation commands and listened to the rhyme “Just one paisa” from Session 21
Upcoming activities/ HW: Read the comprehension given in notebook and answer the questions that follow

Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week:  مرکب حروف تہجی کو مشق کرتے ہوئے نیچے لکھا
گیا اور حروف علت کے ساتھ تمام حروف تہجی کو لکھا گیا ۔
Upcoming activities/ HW: حروف تہجی کو پڑھے ۔
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week: छ और ज अक्षर लिखाया गया
Upcoming activities/ HW   च वर्ग को पढ़ कर आना है |

Subject: Telugu
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students learnt to make paper sculptures.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students learned to insert shapes and they learned to draw a house using paint tools.

Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Library
Activities done this week: Conducted reading assessment to start RRL (Reading Recovery Level) program.

  • Savlon presentation done in class and Prizes were given for Arts competition
  • A medical test was conducted by Dentist, Ophthalmologist and General physician
Upcoming: Holiday for Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd Oct 2018, Tuesday
