Weekly lesson report: 38 Date: 18th - 22nd Mar 2019 Class: 3B
Subject: Learner’s Profile
Activities done this week
The LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE that was explained this week for their unit Matter & Materials was being INQUIRER & THINKER. It means to gather, ask, do research to get new ideas and put on their thinking caps, scratch their heads about different materials and matter. It was a great to see the children being little inquirers putting on their thinking caps by learning about the different materials and states of matter, understanding and trying to absorb the new information gathered. Children were very excited and enthusiastic to find out more and become keen learners about their unit .
Upcoming activities / HW:
It is always a great pleasure to see the students enjoying the activities in class. The LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE that was explained this week for their unit Matter & Materials was being INQUIRER & THINKER. It means to gather, ask, do research to get new ideas and put on their thinking caps, scratch their heads about different materials and matter. It was a great to see the children being little inquirers putting on their thinking caps by learning about the different materials and states of matter, understanding and trying to absorb the new information gathered. Children were very excited and enthusiastic to find out more and become keen learners about their unit .
Please help them in their work. Thank you!
Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Activities done this week:
THEME:- How the world works
UNIT:- Matter & Materials
CENTRAL IDEA:- Properties and attributes of matter affect how materials are used
- Attributes of matter and materials in the environment.(Forms=> How is it like?)
- Interrelationship of matter’s properties and how it is used.(Connection=>How is it connected to other things?)
- Informed choice around material use and sustainability.(Reflection)
- Students has done experiments in the classroom.
Going further:-
- Physical and chemical properties.
- 6 phase change.
- LOI 3 started.
- Notes were written in the UOI notebooks.
- LOI 2 Assessment done.
- Guest lecture by Mr. Mumeed, senior science teacher.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
1. Properties of material.
2. Experiments on both physical and chemical properties.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
- Learnt 2, 3, 4, 5 & 10 times tables and did a quiz on it.
- Mental math with Ten Quick Questions.
- Practice work for fraction with examples done
- Introduction to types of fraction with the examples.
- Students started with multiplication(mind map, single digit multiplication & mental mathl)
- Introduction to angles with discussion, examples and practice work.
Upcoming activities/ HW
- Types of fraction with examples.
- MEP follow up and practice work sent.
- Angles follow up work sent.
Subject: English
Activities done this week:
- Task cards and follow up activity.
- Instructional writing- how to make fruit kebab…..
- Descriptive writing.(revision practice)
- Sight words
1. Teacher read out the books from library on different matter and materials(circle time activity)
2. Students enjoyed the story of Shepherd boy and his sheeps .
- Practice work on homophones and homonyms given with a lot of example
- Assessment conducted in homophones and homonyms.
- Revision for assessment.
- Activities with vocabulary words.
- Sight word spell quiz done.
- Recapitulation of adverbs and homophones.
- Sight word assessment conducted.
Upcoming activities/ HW:-
- Learn vocab words for better recapitulation.
- Revision practice for term 3 assessment sent.
Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
परीक्षा के लिए अभ्यास करवाया गया |
Upcoming activities/ HW.
परीक्षा के लिए अभ्यास कीजिए |
Subject: Telugu
Activities done this week: .
Students practiced the Assessment revision work.
Upcoming activities/ HW.
Prepare for Assessment.
Subject: Art
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
Song:- 1. Bombay meri hai ……..
2. Ant marching……...
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: ICT
Activities done this week:.
Students started making powerpoint presentation on matter and materials.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: P.E
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: G.K.
- Punctuation Marks
- Nick names of some famous personalities
- Odd one out
- Abbreviations
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Library
Activities done this week:-
Practiced running handwriting in cursive.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Events:- Guest lecture by senior & eminent science teacher Mr. Mumeed, students enjoyed the presentation & experiments shown.
Diary:- Dear Parents, Portion for term-3 sent and is also pasted below. Please check and sign the child’s diary on daily basis to keep yourself updated.
Dear Parent, 1-3- 2019
The summative assessment-3, scheduled for 26-29 March is round the corner. Please ensure that students take their academics seriously and do help them in preparing for the same. Attendance is mandatory, except during an emergency.
Please find below the schedule and portion for the assessment.
Tue 26 Mar
Wed 27 Mar
Thurs 28 Mar
Fri 29
Hindi/ Urdu
· Numbers
Fractions representation, number line, like & unlike, mixed fraction, equivalent, addition in like fraction & conversion from improper to mixed and vice versa
· Data Handling
tally, pictograph and bar graph
· Measurements
capacity and length
· Shape & space
Property and types of triangles
· Reading
Comprehension passage
· Grammar:
Verb tenses, contractions, compound words, homophones, adverbs, Nouns, adjectives, and pronouns.
· Writing:
Descriptive writing
· मात्राएँ
· आ से अ:
· बारहखड़ी
· विलोम शब्द
· वाक्य लेखन
· संज्ञा
· ( वाचन) मात्रा वाले शब्द
· دو حرفی با معنی الفاظ
· تین حرفی علیحدہ حروف کے الفاظ
· تین حرفی ملے ہوئے الفاظ
· الفاظ کو مرتب کریں اور جملہ بنائیں
· جملوں سے اسم اور فعل کو علیحدہ کریں
· پیراگرف کو پڑھیں اور سوالوں کے جواب لکھیں۔۔
· అచ్చులు [Achulu]
· హల్లులు [Hallulu]
· ఒత్తులు[Signs of Hallulu]
· గుణింతపు గుర్తులు
· Signs of Achulu]
· గుణింతాలు
· రెండు, మూడు అక్షరాల పదాలు.
[Two and three letter words].
Note: Please make payment of fees and clear all dues before the assessments.