Weekly lesson report:06 Date:- 16-07-18 to 20-07-18 Class: 2B
Subject: Learner Profile :- Communicator.
Activities done this week: Students identified and illustrated the given learner profile.
Upcoming activities / HW:
Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Activities done this week:Theme: How we express ourselves
Central idea: A variety of signs and symbols facilitates local and global communication
Concepts: form, function, connection
Lines of inquiry:
- Signs and symbols
- Reasons for the development of communication systems
- Specialized systems of communication
Activities done this week: Students learned about timeline of communication.They played kahoot as formative assessment on line of inquiry.
Students enhanced their knowledge with the Guest lecture given by traffic police on road safety signs and symbols.
Students had a session on Habitat, they learned about Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan given by Mr Rahul and Mr Venkatesh from NGO.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Google and find the answers using the given link in the notebook.Students learned roman numerals as integration of math in uoi.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Google and find out the following
1.What is morse code?
2.What represents the letters and numbers in morse code.
3.What is the name given to dots and dashes in morse code?
4.Can you try to write your name in morse code?
Assessments:- Students did an assessment in the form of activity (Kahoot).

Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
Students learnt different types of pattern and also revised number system.
Students learnt simple addition using abacus.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Homework given in cw
Revise Number system done till now as assessment will be taken on Tuesday(24-7-18)
Subject: English
Activities done this week:-Reading- Students learned the words the from the list of given sight words.
Writing-Students were introduced to the new topic “punctuation”.
Students brainstorm and discussed the meaning of punctuation and some commonly used punctuation.Students learned that every proper noun must begin with capital letter. They identified the words which needs to be capitalized and circle it with pencil.
They rewrote sentences with correct capitalization.
Upcoming activities/ HW :-.Hw given for capitalization and punctuation.
Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week: حروف کے آدھی شکلوں کوپڑھا و سکھا گیا اوردئیے گئےحروف کی مدد سے جوڑے ہوئے دو حرفی الفاط بنائےگئے۔ Upcoming activities/ HW: دئیے گئےحروف کی مدد سے جوڑے ہوئےاور بے جوڑے ہوئےدو حرفی الفاط بنائیےاو خالی جگہوں کو صحیح حروف سے پُر کرئیے۔
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
परीक्षा ली गई|
कविता द्वारा स्वर पढ़ाया गया |
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students did Rangotsav celebration competition.
Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: ICT
Activities done this week:Students played Kahoot quiz.They integrated there on going topic sign and symbols by playing kahoot quiz and they learnt about keyboard keys by drawing different keys structure in there notebook.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: P.E
Activities done this week:finding the treasure play.
Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week: Students learned about animal babies and its uses.an
Students enhance their knowledge how current affairs effect their lives by a session by a NGO team Habitat.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Activities done this week: Done picture comprehension
Events :- Students had a session on traffic rules in relation to their topic sign and symbols.
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