
Saturday, December 15, 2018

PP1 B Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report:25  Date: 10 Dec - 15 Dec 2018  PP1 B
Class teacher: Ms. Asiya Fatima

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week: LP Inquirer was focused
Upcoming activities / HW:  Inquirer will be carried forward

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
THEME:-  "Sharing the planet"
TOPIC:- Animals are friends
CENTRAL IDEA:-  Animals and people interact in different ways in different contexts.
● The different roles animals play in people's lives
● Suitability of particular animals for specific functions.
●Our responsibility for the well being of animals.
Activities done this week: Students did TUNING IN activity by nature walk
and followed by activity sheet and also listen to the audio of sounds of animals.

Subject: English
Activities done this week: Recapitulation of letter “Aa - Tt” was done
with related objects, Introduction of letter Uu  identification and different task
activities and  by written work in Firefly . Recapitulation of two letter words
and CVC words was also done.

Upcoming activities/ HW: Letter Vv will be
introduced with related hand on activities followed by
written work in Firefly. Please help your child to
complete the revision worksheet.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week: Recapitulation of numbers 1- 40 in
sequence was done. Written practice numbers from
1 - 30 with place values through different number
activities in the number book. Recapitulation of all pre mathematical
concepts was done .

Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students improve their drawing and drew
different objects by using letters and numbers.

Note: Prepare your child well for the upcoming English assessment.

Nursery A&B Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report: 24    Date: 10-12-2018 - 14-12-2018         Class:Nursery A&B
Class Teacher: Ms. Sara Azher( Nursery A & B)

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week: The learner profile
which was focussed this week was”Thinker”.
The students thought about the various
things they can do to enjoy the seasons.
Upcoming activities / HW:

Subject: EVS
Activities done this week: 1. Students watched
videos on seasons from the website “makeme”.
They were asked various questions related to the video.
2. Students enjoyed doing “hot & cold” worksheet
in the class.
These activities helped the students develop
cognitive and communication, and self awareness
Upcoming activities/ HW:  Help your child in
completing the worksheet.

Subject: Math
Activities done this week: 1. Numbers with their
values were recapitulated using the ice creams sticks.
2. Oral counting from 1-10 was done.
3. Students started learning numbers from 11-15.
4. Pre mathematical concepts “hot and cold” & day & night were recapitulated.
This helped students develop early math skills,
spatial awareness of the pre mathematical
Upcoming activities/ HW: Worksheet given.

Subject: English
Activities done this week: 1.Students recited the
“ABCD” song using sound modules and actions.
2. Students enjoyed the rhymes sessions and karadi sessions.
3. Action commands in karadi were taken like:
Stand up, pull your chairs under the table, hop like a rabbit, stop, shake your hands in air, and swim
in place.
3. Students recapitulated lower case letters with their phonics and with their related objects and they
did tracing in tarjani book.
4. We are focussing on lower case letters with phonics and objects.
This helped the students develop early reading, social, language, cognitive, fine motor skills, communication skills & gross motor skills..
Upcoming activities/ HW: Make your child
practice the lower case letter with phonics and its related pictures.

Subject: Art
Activities done this week:Students made
icecream with paper.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
1. Students danced on the tunes of their favourite
melody rhymes.
2. Students did practice for annual day.
This helped students develop language and communication skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week: 1. Students did exercises through a rhyme “Walrus action song”. Refer
to the below link:
2. They enjoyed playing with beads and blocks and
they had a free play.
This helped students develop fine motor and gross
motor and physical gross motors skills.

Upcoming activities/ HW:

PP1A Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report: 21    Date: 10-12-2018 to 14-12-2018 CT : Meena  Farath                  Class PP1A                 
Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week: Learner profile inquirer was done
Upcoming activities / HW: Learner profile inquirer will be continued

1 Subject:
Unit Of Inquiry  
Theme Sharing the planet
Topic Animals Are Friends
Central Idea Animals and people interact in different ways in different contexts.
   The different roles animals play in people’s lives
● Suitability of particular animals for specific functions
● Our responsibility for the well-being of animals
Activities done this week: Students  had a nature walk
and completed the worksheet given to them  
Upcoming activities/ HW: Students will watch videos
and learn more about various animals

Subject: Math
Activities done this week: Recapitulation of numbers 1- 30 in
sequence was done. Written practice numbers from
1 - 20 with place values through different number
activities in the number book.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Numbers through
place value in tens bundle will be recapitulated
with related activities followed by written work
in note book and activity sheets.
Subject: English
Activities done this week:   Recapitulation of letter “Aa - Tt” was done
with related objects, Introduction of letter Uu  was done
with different activities followed   by written work in Firefly .
Summative Assessment was conducted
Karadi Path: Students did action commands and
enjoyed power music and power story followed by
tracing in tarjani.Students completed session 27.
.Please help your
child to complete the worksheets given

Upcoming activities/ HW:   Introduction of letter
Vv  will be done with different activities followed   by
written work in Firefly .

Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students did drawing of fish using different shapes.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week: Students enjoyed free play
and played game on locomotion of animals to develop gross motor skills
Upcoming activities/ HW



C 3B Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report:  25    Date: 10th Dec - 14th Dec 2018                    Class: 3B

Subject: Learner’s Profile
Activities done this week          
The LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE that was explained this week was being COURAGEOUS.
It means to be brave and confident to learn new things. It was a great to see the children being
little inquirers putting on their thinking caps by  by learning about the biomes of the animals,
understanding the characteristics of the biomes, and also getting enthusiastic to find out more
about their topic Adaptation. They even reflected their action and its consequences towards
their environment.
Upcoming activities / HW:
It was a great pleasure to see the students enjoying the activities in class. The LEARNER PROFILE
ATTRIBUTE that was explained this week was being COURAGEOUS. It means to be brave and
confident to learn new things. It was great to see the children being little inquirers putting on their
thinking caps by making the flow chart of the new them, classifying and grouping animals on their
own understanding, and also getting enthusiastic to find out more about their new topic Adaptation.
They even reflected their action and its consequences towards their environment.
Please help them in their work. Thank you!
Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Activities done this week:
THEME:-   Sharing the Planet
TOPIC:-  Adaptation
CENTRAL IDEA:-   Living things are affected by and adapt to the natural world.
  1. Characteristics of the major habitats/biomes.(Forms=> How is it like?)
  2. Physical adaptations and behavioral adaptations that allow an animal to survive in their biome.
  3. (Causation=>Why is it like it is?)Connection between animals and the people in those habitats.(Connection=>How is it connected to other things?)
Students started discussion on LOI-1.
  1. Students learned to identify and understand about  the different biomes and their characteristics…….. and wrote notes in their books.
  2. Students moved ahead with the inquiry that they did and made vocab journals on the biomes
of different animals.
  1. Students made word wall with the new terminology that they learned.
  Upcoming activities/ HW:
  1. Inquiry on the biomes of animals.
  2. Vocab journals to be made
  3. LOI-2

Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
  1. Learnt 3 & 4 times tables and did a quiz on it.
  2. Mental math with Ten Quick Questions.
  3. Assessment in Roman numerals taken.
  1. Students started with addition(place value, number names, expanded form)
  1. Discussed the non-standard and standard tools of measurement with examples.
  2. Terminology of measurement and its abbreviations.
  3. Conversion table for length.
  4. Practice sums for conversion of mts to cms
Upcoming activities/ HW
  1. Revision practice for the assessment sent.
  2. Students had to revise for their assessment on Monday.

Subject: English
Activities done this week:
  1. Task cards and follow up activity.
  2. Journal writing-My best friend……..
    1. Teacher read out the story books and reflected on values and skills. (circle time activity)
  1. Students did an assessment on Singular & Plurals.
  2. Introduction to prepositions.
    4. Practice with in, on, at prepositions
  1. Sight word spell quiz done.
Upcoming activities/ HW:-
  1. Learn sight words and vocab words for recapitulation.
  2. Practice work with examples for prepositions.

Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week:    امتحان کے دوراں بچوں کو اس کی تیاری کرائی گئی تمام سوالات کو سمجھایا گیا  
Upcoming activities/ HW:    اپنے سبق کو پڑھیں اورلکھنے کی کوشکریں

Upcoming activities/ HW:  Di gayi workshet “ sabzi wala “ kw padhkar aayen or fardan fardan padhe.

Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week
परीक्षा के  लिए अभ्यास करवाया गया |
Upcoming activities/ HW:
दिए गए ग्रहकार्य को सम्पूर्ण कीजिए |

Subject: Telugu
Activities done this week:
Students read and write the sight words.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Complete the work given.

Subject: Art
Activities done this week:.

Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Music
Activities done this week:  

Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students learnt to insert smart art using word 2013 and they created
hierarchy for domestic and wild animals.

Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: P.E
Activities done this week:  basic warm up,relay game fun drills.
  • Develop speed and strength.

Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: G.K.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Library
Activities done this week:- 5 W’s and 1 H
                                        Students were explained about 5 ‘w and 1H and were asked to                                                     
                                        make Questions by rolling the dice of 5w’s  1H.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Diary:-  Dear Parents, Please check and sign the child’s diary on daily basis to keep yourself updated.