Weekly lesson report: Date: 25/6/18 - 29/6/18 Class: PP2 A

Subject: Learner Profile
Activities done this week: As the inquiry is in the finding out stage, the learner profile attribute ‘Inquirer’ was mainly focussed this week.
Upcoming activities / HW: The learner profile attribute inquirer will be focussed next week too.
Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Theme:- Who we are
Central Idea:- We use our senses to know about ourself and our environment.
Key Concepts:- Form, Function, Responsibility
LOI-1) The senses we have and use
2) Our likes and dislikes
3) How we can take care of our senses
Activities done this week: The students analysed external parts of a human body. Through brainstorming, they found out about the external parts of the human body and their uses. They carried out an activity by identifying the parts of the body and matching them to their uses.
Upcoming activities/ HW: -----------
Subject: Math
Activities done this week: 1. The student's prior knowledge was assessed.
2. Recapitulation of numbers from 1-50 (orally and written) was done.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: English
Activities done this week: 1. The student's prior knowledge was assessed.
2. Recapitulation of alphabets and vowels was done.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week: حروف تہجی : حروف ’’ ا ‘‘ ’’ آ ‘‘ ’’ ب ‘‘ کو حرکات کے ساتھ پڑھایا گیا اور حروف تہجی کی نظم کو سکھایا گیااس کے ساتھ حواس خمسہ
کی کہانی کو بتایا گیا۔
Upcoming activities/ HW: https://youtu.be/G2ueGTGVCuM
حروف تہجی کو پڑھئے اور یاد کرئیے۔
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
अ और आ की ध्वनि को बताया गया|
पाठ से सबंधित कविता को पढ़ाया गया|
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Telugu
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Practice of drawing different lines i.e. straight line dotted line, the zig-zag line was done in the drawing book.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: P.E
Activities done this week: ladder activity to develop gross motor skills of the students.
Upcoming activities/ HW