
Saturday, February 9, 2019

C1C Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report: 32             Date: 4th Feb - 8th Feb 2019        Class: 1C

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week: This week the learner profile attribute that was focused upon was Inquirer and knowledgeable.
Upcoming activities / HW:

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry

Theme: Sharing the planet
Title: Water
Central Idea: Water is essential to life and is a limited resource for many people
Lines Of Inquiry:
  • Sources of water & how water is used
  • Distribution and availability of usable water
  • Responsibilities regarding water
Activities done this week:
This week the students were able to
  • show their understanding of uses and sources of water on assessment worksheet
  • watch and learn methods of water filtration, sedimentation through experiments in the guest lecture
  • list down forms and properties of water in their notebooks
  • explain what they observed through the experiment and label different things used during the experiment
  • Observe demonstration on the distribution of water in the world, divided into different jars labeled into different categories eg: Glaciers, salt water etc and note their observations in their notebooks
Upcoming activities/ HW: Complete the given worksheet by visiting the given links

Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
This week the students were able to
  • observe how weather changes with the changing level of mercury on the online thermometer
  • write the definition of temperature in their notebook.
  • write numbers and number names in their notebooks
  • demonstrate their understanding of money and capacity on an assessment in FA
Upcoming activities/ HW: complete the given worksheet

Subject: English
Activities done this week:  
Students were able to
  • listen to the biography of pencil and doll in order to find out writing style and list all the major events of its life
  • Define autobiography and make a flow chart of biography to show the main ideas covered in autobiography
  • write a composition about themselves in their notebooks
  • List sight words
  • Spell drill 
Upcoming activities/ HW: write an autobiography of your favorite cartoon character in your English notebook

Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week: دو اور تین حرفی الفاظ کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے جملے بنائے گئے اور انہیں پڑھتے ہوئے لکھا گیا۔
جیسے: وہ آم ہے۔, ہم باغ گئے۔ وغیرہ۔
Upcoming activities/ HW:  ۔۔۔۔۔
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:  भ और म अक्षर लिखाया गया|
Upcoming activities/ HW प वर्ग सीख़ कर आना है|

Subject: Art
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Music
Activities done this week: Water cycle song
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students learned to play keyboard games on  
Upcoming activities/HW: use the following link to play games

Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week: 
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week: completed a few activities about animals
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Library
Activities done this week: 

Passed: Distribution of Prizes for Sports Meet
Upcoming: Nutrition session on Monday in FHS, DS

C1A Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson:  32 Date:4th February- 8th February Class:1A
Activities done this week: The learner profile attributes focussed upon this week were inquire and knowledgeable

Upcoming activities / HW:

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Central Idea:
Water is essential to life and is a limited resource for many people
Lines Of Inquiry:
  • Sources of water & how water is used
  • Distribution and availability of usable water
  • Responsibilities regarding water

Activities done this week:
  Students show their
 understanding of uses and sources of water in formative assessment.
 In the guest lecture, students watch an experiment of
 filtration and sedimentation.
 Students list down the properties of water and forms of water in their notebook,
Observed the experiment on the distribution of water on earth and
note down in the notebook

Upcoming activities/ HW: Complete the given worksheet by visiting the given links

Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
Students strengthen the concept of Money in market  activity
Students watch how the level of  temperature changes according to
weather using thermometer
write the definition of temperature in their notebooks
write numbers and number names in their notebooks
demonstrate their understanding of money and capacity on an assessment in FA

Upcoming activities/ HW: Help your child to complete the worksheet

Subject: English
Activities done this week:
Students listen to the biography of pencil and coin, learn and understand
the way of writing biography
Define autobiography and create a flow chart of biography to s
how the main ideas covered in autobiography
write a composition about themselves in their notebooks
Note down the sight words in the notebook
Spell drill and Karadipath session 38

Upcoming activities/ HW: write an autobiography of your favourite cartoon
a character in your English notebook

Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:  भ और म अक्षर लिखाया गया |

Upcoming activities/  HW: प वर्ग सीख़ कर आना है |

Subject: urdu
Activities done this week: دو اور تین حرفی الفاظ کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے جملے بنائے گئے اور انہیں پڑھتے ہوئے لکھا گیا۔
جیسے: وہ آم ہے۔, ہم باغ گئے۔ وغیرہ۔
Upcoming activities/ HW:  ۔۔۔۔۔۔


Subject: Music
Activities done this week:  water cycle song
Upcoming activities/ HW:  

Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students learnt to play keyboard games on  
Upcoming activities/HW: use the following link to play games

Subject: Library
Activities done this week: Students watched the moral stories and shared their views about the story.

Upcoming events: Nutrition session on Monday in FHS, DS

Weekly Lesson Report PP1C

Weekly lesson report:  32    Date:4-2-19 to 8-2-19            Class PP1C                         
Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week: Attitude Caring was done
Upcoming activities / HW: Attitude Caring will be carry forward.

Unit Of Inquiry  
Theme Sharing the planet
Topic Animals Are Our Friends
 Central Idea Animals and people interact in different
ways in different contexts.
·         The different roles animals play in people’s lives
·         Suitability of particular animals for specific functions
·         Our responsibility for the well-being of animals
Activities done this week: FA 2 was conducted in the second line of inquiry.
Pet Day was organized-Students bought their pet animals from their homes like
Rabbit, lovebirds, pigeon, goats, hen cat, fish, chicks etc. and share their
information regarding those animals and they enjoyed it.

Upcoming activities/ HW: SA will be conducted.

Subject: Math
Activities done this week: Recapitulation of numbers 1- 50 in
Sequence, skip counting of 2, and after numbers was done.
Written practice of numbers from 41-50 with place values
 through different number activities in the number book.
Numbers through place value in tens bundle has been
 recapitulated with related activities followed by written
 work in notebook and activity sheets.
Upcoming activities/ HW:  Please make your child
 Practice numbers 1-50 and help in completing the HW
given in NB.

Subject: English
Activities done this week:  Introduction of vowels was done.
Recapitulation of letter “Aa - Zz” with related objects
 and two letter words was done. Introduction of sequencing
of letter was also done with different activities.
Karadi Path: Students did action commands and
enjoyed power music and power story followed by
tracing in tarjani. Students completed session 37.
Please make your child complete the HW given in the
activity sheet.

Upcoming activities/ HW: Recapitulation of all letters in sequencing,
 vowels and introduction of two letter words will be done.

Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students made finger puppet of butterfly and
 hippo in connection to our ongoing topic animals are our friends.
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Music
Activities done this week: NO CLASS
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week : Students played aiming game to improve eye
 hand coordination.
Upcoming activities/ HW:.