Weekly lesson report: 7 Date: 23rd - 27th July 2018 Class: 3B
Subject: Learner’s Profile
Activities done this week
The LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE that was explained this week was being inquirers,
It was great to see the children being little inquirers and gaining knowledge by showing
enthusiasm and keenness to know and learn about the topic Arts by asking questions that
were posed to them after watching videos and having discussion in class, some even came up
with examples.
It was great to see the children being little inquirers and gaining knowledge by showing
enthusiasm and keenness to know and learn about the topic Arts by asking questions that
were posed to them after watching videos and having discussion in class, some even came up
with examples.
Upcoming activities / HW:
It was great pleasure to see the students enjoying the activities in class. The LEARNER
ATTRIBUTE that we will be focussing next week is being inquirers as we move ahead with the
and children become more keen to learn about ARTS and it helps them to express themselves
different ways. Please help them in their inquiry work. Thank you!
ATTRIBUTE that we will be focussing next week is being inquirers as we move ahead with the
and children become more keen to learn about ARTS and it helps them to express themselves
different ways. Please help them in their inquiry work. Thank you!
Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Activities done this week:
THEME:- How we express ourselves
TOPIC:- The Arts
CENTRAL IDEA:- The Arts provides us the opportunity to reflect on, extend and enjoy creativity.
- The different forms of Arts - Function
- How Art is unique and personal - Perspective
- How communities express themselves using Arts - Connection
Making Connections
- Videos were shown to students as How people express themselves through various
- forms =>Music, dance, drama which they enjoyed learning.
- Did mindmap on various of expressions.
- Children learnt about Egyptian Art.
- Videos were shown about Ajanta & Ellora caves.
Taking Action
- Students learnt that in order to make any image that have to use the 7 elements of Art.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
- Inquiry work sent.
- Summative assessment note sent, will be taken on Monday.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
- Learnt 2 & 3 times tables and did quiz on it.
- Students placed the numbers in place value and did addition using 2 digit numbers and
- 3 digit numbers.
- Students revised simple addition using abacus and also did mental math activity.
- Practice with repeated and growing patterns done.
Upcoming activities/ HW
- Addition sums with place value sent.
Subject: English
Activities done this week:
- Task cards and follow up activity.
1. Teacher read out the story book- Bubbles own up & did sequencing activity.
1. Students went a step ahead with countable & uncountable nouns.
2. Practice of nouns done with examples and activities.
- Spell quiz.
- Sight word spell quiz done.
Upcoming activities/ HW:-
- Practice work for nouns sent.
- Revise vocab words.
Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week: اسماعیل میرٹھی کی “ اردو کی پہلی کتاب” کا پہلا سبق پڑھایا گیا اور اس کا اختبار ہوا
کافی شوق سے طلباء نے پڑھا اور لکھا
Upcoming activities/ HW: دیئے گئے سبق کو پڑھیں اور لکھ کر املا کے لئے تیار ہوں
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
दो अक्षर वाले शब्दों को पढ़ाया और लिखाया गया |
रंगों के नाम पढ़ाया और लिखाया गया|
Upcoming activities/ HW
दिए गए ग्रहकार्य को सम्पूर्ण कीजिए|
Subject: Telugu
Students has done reading and writing Assessment in varnamala.
Students practiced the varnamala in class work book. They played Single and two letter words
identification memory game.
identification memory game.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Refer the link given below
Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students learned to draw warli art and pasted shilpkar on it.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
- “I Love Indians in the East” song.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students learnt about word features they learnt to insert color,
borders,word art and using that they created greeting cards.
borders,word art and using that they created greeting cards.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: P.E
Activities done this week::basic warm up,bean bag play,hula hoop play.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week:
- Sorted out topics that can be done with UOI for the year.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Activities done this week: About the book Students depicted the story book. Eg. Title,
name,illustrator, Isbn no.,publisher and characters.
name,illustrator, Isbn no.,publisher and characters.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Passed: Prize day
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