Weekly lesson report: 21 Date: 12th- 16th Nov 2018 Class: 4B

Subject: Learner Profile
Activities done this week: IB Learner Attribute Thinker was focused to enhance
thinking skill about the application of principles in machines.
Upcoming activities / HW: IB Learner Attribute thinker would be focused to
develop thinking skills.
Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Topic: Simple Machine
Lines of Inquiry:
- The principles and types of simple and compound machines
- Inventions which use the principles of simple machines.
- The application of simple machines in our lives
Activities done this week:
Students did practical activity like (using slider slide up and down, using stairs and lift
going up and down to the 1st floor tearing paper with hand and using scissor) to understand
which work is easier.
Students made their own central idea through placemat activity.
Students wrote the definition of each simple machine and understand how it makes our
work easier.
Students continued learning about the Definition, Function, Example and
Non-examples of simple machines through Flayer's model.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Inquire about the simple machine how does it work and get a photo of it.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
- The students were able to comprehend, analyse and solve the word problems on multiplication and division.
- An introduction to the topic Measurement was given.
- Word problems based on measurement was practiced.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
- FA 1 to be conducted on Monday.
Subject: English
Activities done this week:
Grammar:Students wrote the usage of period, comma, exclamation mark,
and question mark and would use them for the sentences.
Students frame the meaning of verb in their own words and identify the verbs
from the given sentences.
Reading: Students read the chapter name and will express their predictions about it.
Writing: Students describe their favourite toy using five senses, simile and metaphor.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Hw given is grammar book.
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
अनुनासिक की मात्रा को पढ़ाया और लिखाया गया |
अनुस्वार की मात्रा को पढ़ाया और लिखाया गया |
कथा विश्लेषण करवाया गया |
Upcoming activities/ HW
दिए गए ग्रहकार्य को सम्पूर्ण कीजिए |
Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students learnt to create Google logo by spinning the sprites.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week: Recapitulation of previous taught.
Upcoming activities/ HW: No
Upcoming: Picnic on Tuesday i.e., 27th of Nov 2018.
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