Weekly lesson report: 7 Date: 30 july- 3 aug 2018 Class: PP1 C

Class Teacher: Mrs. Zubaida Begum
Subject: Learner Profile
Activities done this week: Students showed interest and their understanding on the learner profile “Thinker”.
Upcoming activities / HW:Learner profile “inquirer” will be carried forward.
Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Activities done this week: Students played sorting out game with objects,
Upcoming activities/ HW: Students has to find out the useful toys and harmful things during play and need to paste the related pictures from old newspaper or magazine in the scrapbook.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week: Number “4” was introduced to the students through different objects & flash cards.
Introduction of pre- mathematical concept big & small was done through game.
Students did counting of numbers from 1-10 with links.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Introduction of number 5 will be done. Page number ---------- in Math-A firefly notebook.
Subject: English
Activities done this week: Introduction of letter “Dd” was done through flash cards and objects. Recapitulation of alphabet “Aa”, “Bb”, “Cc”and strokes was also done.
Students did handson activities by arranging buttons on letter D and also made a duck.
KARADI PATH:Students did session number 2 of power action and session 2 of power music.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Page number 88 in english firefly .
Subject: Art
Activities done this week: 1.Students enjoyed doing vegetable printing.
2.They also enjoyed colouring in a circle.(This activity helped them to develop eye hand coordination and made them understand to colour in a specified area.)
Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week: Students did balancing activity and
also played with balls.
Music: Students enjoyed singing different action rhymes
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