Class Teacher: Ms. Sara Azher
Subject: Learner Profile
Activities done this week: The learner profile which was focussed this week was “communicator”
as the students spoke about the uses of tongue and types of taste( sour, bitter, sweet and salty).
as the students spoke about the uses of tongue and types of taste( sour, bitter, sweet and salty).
Upcoming activities / HW: Learner profile “Communicator” will be focussed.
Subject: EVS
Activities done this week: 1. Red day was celebrated.
Students had Show and tell session. Students spoke few words on the toy that they
bought for
red day.
The motive behind celebrating colour day was to help students develop communication,
cognitive skills. This also helped them in colour recognition.
bought for
red day.
The motive behind celebrating colour day was to help students develop communication,
cognitive skills. This also helped them in colour recognition.
2.Students had a taste test. The taste test had four basic flavors that our taste buds
detect: sour,
salty and sweet.
detect: sour,
salty and sweet.
2. Students inquired and discussed the parts of face and their senses by pasting the
pictures in the
given blank picture.
pictures in the
given blank picture.
These activities helped students develop personal skills and fine motor skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Assessment for parts of the face will be taken to test their
knowledge through matching.
knowledge through matching.
Homework: Help your child paste the pictures or real objects related to senses in
the given flap folder.
the given flap folder.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week: 1. Students recited number song.
Rabbit rabbit 123
2. Students learnt the pre mathematical concept “In and out” by forming a circle.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
3.Pre mathematical concept “up and down” will be introduced.
Subject: English
Activities done this week: 1.Students enjoyed the story session.
2. Students had a show and tell session with the toys that they bought for the red day
This helped students develop vocabulary, listening and communicating skills.
The rhymes which were recited for red day were:
1.I am a big red tomato
2.R E D R E D
3.Red is an apple
4.My red apple and many more.
Upcoming activities/ HW: 1.oral Abcd with phonics.
2. Slanting lines will be introduced.
Homework: Rhymes sheet given.
Subject: Art
Activities done this week: 1.Students did palm printing( My first hand impression)for
red day celebration.
red day celebration.
2. Students did scribbling on slates.
This helped students develop fine motor skills and sensory skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: Music
Activities done this week: Rhyme session was held.
God's love is so beautiful
Chanda chanda mama aaj mere ghar aana
Put right leg in, put your right leg out
Upar chanda gol gol neeche dharti gol gol
If you are happy and you know clap your hands
One way ticket
Doe a dear
Upcoming activities/ HW: Patriotic song and rhymes will be recited for independence day
1.Hum hoge kamyab( we shall over come)
2. Mera mulk mera desh
3. Nanha munha raahi hoo
Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week: 1. Students enjoyed playing with their toys that they had bought for
red day.
red day.
This helped students develop locomotor skills and gross motor skills.
Students enjoyed free play in the PE room with their favourite sliders, tunnel, tricycle and
many more.
many more.
2.Students did exercises and energizer by roli poli roli poli up up up , down, right, left.
motor skills.
2. Students will develop gross motor skills through jumping, crawling and running.
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