Weekly lesson report: 34 Date: 25-2-19 to 1-3-19 Class PP1A
Subject: Learner Profile
Activities done this week: Learner profile knowledgeable was done
Upcoming activities / HW Thinker:will be focussed
Unit Of Inquiry
Theme Who we are
Topic Family
Central Idea Family relationships contribute to shaping our identity
- Diversity of families
- Responsibilities within the family
- How families influence who we become
- Activities done this week:Students did inquiry on Family
- Tuning in ,Finding out was done
Upcoming activities/ HW: Sorting out activity will be done
Subject: Math
Activities done this week: Recapitulation of numbers 1- 50 in
sequence was done. Written practice numbers from
1-50 with place values through different number
activities in the number book. Recap was done.
Revision for SA started.Oral number name 1-one was introduced
Upcoming activities/ HW: Numbers through
place value in tens will be recapitulated
with related activities followed by written work
in note book and activity sheets.Oral number name2-two was introduced
Please make your child
Practice numbers 1-50 and help in completing the HW given in NB.
Subject: English
Activities done this week: Recapitulation of letter “Aa - Zz” was done
with related objects.
CVC words were introduced.Students wrote dictation in
CVC words Karadi Path: Students did action commands and
enjoyed power music and power story followed by
tracing in tarjani.Students completed session 38.
Please make your child complete the HW given in note book.
Upcoming activities/ HW: CVC words of e vowel will be continued.
Oral opposites will be done
Subject: Art
Activities done this week: students made 3D camel by using cardboard.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Music
Activities done this week:NO CLASS
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week:Students did balancing activities
and jumping through the hula hoop was done
Upcoming activities/ HW:.
Upcoming : Dear Parent,
The summative Assessment scheduled for
25 - 29 March is around the corner.
Please ensure that students take their academics
Seriously and help them in preparing for the same.
Please find below the schedule and portion for
the assessment.
Time Table and Portion for Term 3 Assessment
Mon 25 March
Math {oral}
Tue 26 March
Math {written}
Wed 27 March
English {orals}
Thu 28 March
English {written}
Fri 29 March
Orals: Counting stick bundles in 10’s till 50 Number names.
Written: Number sequencing from 1 - 50, after numbers
[1-20},before number {1-10}, backward counting {10-1} ,
skip counting in 2’{0-20} and 5’s{1-30}, data handling, Comparison of numbers{1-10} Concept: hot and cold, heavy and light.
Shapes: Circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval.
Opposites Double command .Two and three letter words
from Tarjani. Speaking about the family
Written:Upper and Lower case letters from Aa-Zz
CVC words.
RHYMES: Related to animals and family.
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