Weekly lesson report:3 Date: 25/06/18 to 29/06/18 Class:2C

Subject: Learner Profile Communicator.
Activities done this week:All the learner profile and attitudes were discussed and students demonstrated their understanding of the attributes and the way they can model it through drawing.
Upcoming activities / HW:The learner profile attribute which will be focussed next week is inquirer, as they will be inquiring and finding out about the new unit.
Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Theme: How we express ourselves
Central idea: A variety of signs and symbols facilitates local and global communication
Concepts: form, function, connection
Lines of inquiry:
- Signs and symbols
- Reasons for the development of communication systems
- Specialised systems of communication
Activities done this week: Students were introduced to the first line of inquiry. They learned and understand the meaning of signs and symbols and wrote in notebook.
Students watched a video on traffic signs and road safety signs.
Students did an activity on different signs and symbols found in hospitals, school and road.
Upcoming activities/ HW:Worksheet given in signs and symbols.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week:Students learned expanded form and standard form of 3 digit number
Students recapitulated the concept of comparing numbers,ascending order,descending numbers
Students were made familiar with Abacus
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: English
Activities done this week:Students learned new words from the list of given words.
Students learned more on types on noun.
Students identified the noun in the given sentence.
Students were able to differentiate between common and proper noun.
Upcoming activities/ HW :-Worksheet given in common and proper noun.
Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week: حروف تہجی کو اعراب زبر زیر اور پیش کے ساتھ ’’ ا ‘‘ سے ’’ ے ‘‘ تک پڑھا اور لکھا گیا۔
Upcoming activities/ HW: حروف تہجی کو اعراب زبر زیر اور پیش کے ساتھ تک پڑھئیے۔
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
स्वर को पढ़ाया और लिखाया गया|
पाठ से सम्बन्धित कविता को पढ़ाया गया|
Upcoming activities/ HW
दिए गए ग्रहकार्य को सम्पूर्ण कीजिए|
Subject: Art
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: ICT
Activities done this week:Students learnt to switch on the computer by watching a video by writing the steps in their notes and switched on the computer practically.
Upcoming activities/ HW: https://youtu.be/HrbQ6XvtLFo
Subject: P.E
Activities done this week:bean bag play.
- Develop listening skills by using variety of signs.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week:Students learned all about vegetables and animals(page no 2 & 3).
Upcoming activities/ HW
Activities done this week:Done choral reading
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