Weekly lesson report: 4 Date: 2- 6 july Class: C4B

Subject: Learner Profile
Activities done this week:
IB Learner Profile Inquirer was focused. Students learnt to be Inquirers to learn new qualities and emulate it from different personalities.
Upcoming activities / HW:
IB Learner Profile Inquirer would be focused. Students will learn to be Inquirers to learn new qualities and emulate it from different personalities.
Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Unit: Role Model
Lines of inquiry:
• What determines our beliefs and values
• How and why role models are chosen
• Influence of role models on our choices and actions
Activities done this week:
- Students prepared for FA-1 on LOI-1. They discussed about beliefs and values what action they have implemented in their life.
- Students wrote FA-1 on LOI-1 through iceberg to show their understanding about the LOI-1.
- Students drew themselves and write learner profile attributes for themselves. They constructed sentences using character traits and wrote a reason why they think that learner profile suites them.
- Students watched a video on good and bad role models and discuss their views. They implemented their understanding about good and bad role models on chart using mind map.
- Students learnt the meaning of hero and celebrity. They watched a presentation based on bravery awards given to the children. They discussed their views and try to find the difference and similarities between hero and celebrity.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
- Complete the given worksheet to interview someone about their role model.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week: The students were able to identify different types of lines and were able to give examples of it. An activity based on lines was done in class. 

Upcoming activities/ HW: H.W given in C.W
Subject: English
Activities done this week:
Grammar: Students learnt about concrete nouns. They completed the given worksheet on concrete nouns and developed their own sentences for better understanding.
Writing: Students learnt to write biography about their favourite personality.
Listening & Speaking: Students read task cards. And found types of nouns from the task cards and use that noun and make a sentence on it through the sentence game.
Viewing & Presenting: Students presented their inquiry work in class about their role models through gallery walk.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
- Make a biography on your role model using internet on A4 colour papers and nicely decorate it. Refer to literature books for reference.
Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week: اردو کی پہلی کتاب کا پہلا اور دوسرا سبق سب کو پڑھایا اور لکھایا گیا اس پر آنے والے تمام الفاظ اور جملوں کو لکھنے اور پڑھنے کی مشق کیجیئے
Upcoming activities/ HW: اس سبق کے تمام الفاظ پڑھنا اور لکھنا سیکھیں املا کی تیاری کریں
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
पाठ से सम्बन्धित कार्य करवाया गया|
संज्ञा को पढ़ाया और लिखाया गया|
वाक्य लेखन किया गया|
Upcoming activities/ HW
दिए गए ग्रहकार्य को सम्पूर्ण कीजिए|
Subject: Telugu
Activities done this week:
Students read and wrote achulu and hallulu words.
Students wrote telugu number and names and Students practiced writing achullu and hallulu in their notebooks.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Refer the link given below.
Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students did drawing and colouring activity related to Vanmahotsav.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: ICT
Activities done this week:Students revised there before learning by working on Word 2013 they completed the task to write essential agreements in word document using different word features(changing font,style,colours & insert bullets & numbering).
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week: Lesson 2 was taken in G.K
Upcoming activities/ HW Learn and by heart the lesson 2.
Subject: Library
Activities done this week:
Passed: Parent orientation for new students was conducted on 6th July.
Upcoming No
Notice: No
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