Subject: The learner profile attribute which is focused this week is“principled” and in related to social characteristics students learned about
IB attitudes.
IB attitudes.
Upcoming activities / HW: e learner profile attribute which will be focussed next week is ‘balanced’.
Subject: Unit Of Inquiry:
Central idea: Awareness of our characteristics, abilities and interests informs our learning
and development.
and development.
Line of inquiry: ·
- Physical, social and emotional characteristics ( form)
- Similarities and differences between ourselves and others (reflection)
- Personal abilities and interests(perspective)
Activities done this week: , ,
- Students understand physical traits by making a portrait of self and gained awareness of others traits through a gallery walk
- correlate IB attitudes to people they know who display particular attitude through snowball activity and quacker activity after watching short stories on each attitude , ,
- analyse different emotions and present their feelings on various occasions on a worksheet
Upcoming activities/ HW: Help your child to complete a questionnaire sent in a notebook.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
- Students did place value worksheet with the help of base ten blocks.
- Students reflected on their knowledge of number names(11-20)by filling the missing letters to complete the number name in their notebooks.
- Students practised place value in their firefly workbooks and watched the video about tens and ones.
- Students identified place value of digits in number by colouring relevant blocks for a given number in the worksheet.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Hw worksheet is given
Subject: English
Activities done this week:
- Students did spell drill of the sight words their learned.
- Students recap blends and completed bl and cl words in the flowers.
- students read and wrote new sight words in the notebook
- Students learned new action commands, spoken commands, rhyme “trees” and participated in conversation activity in KP session 1 and 2.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Help the child to complete the blends worksheet
Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week: تمام حروف تہجی ’’ ا ‘‘ سے ’’ ے ‘‘
تک کے حروف کو اعراب ’’ زبر ‘‘ (۔۔۔۔۔۔َ۔۔۔۔۔) کے ساتھ لکھا اور پڑھا گیا اور
’’ عقلمند مچھلی ‘‘ کی کہانی سے لطف اندوز ہوئے۔
تک کے حروف کو اعراب ’’ زبر ‘‘ (۔۔۔۔۔۔َ۔۔۔۔۔) کے ساتھ لکھا اور پڑھا گیا اور
’’ عقلمند مچھلی ‘‘ کی کہانی سے لطف اندوز ہوئے۔
Upcoming activities/ HW: اعراب کو پڑھئے اور ان کو یاد کرئیے۔
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week
अनुरेखण [ट्रेसिंग] करवाया गया अ से ई तक |
पुस्तकों में अ से ई तक लिखाया गया |
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students did drawing and colouring activity related to Vanmahotsav.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students learnt to SWITCH on the computer and each
student switched on computer practically.
student switched on computer practically.
Upcoming activities/ HW: watch a video
Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week:: Ball in the bucket play
- Students have to pick the ball from one end and has to drop in the bucket
- Develop speed and agility.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week: students completed the five senses page in their GK workbooks
Upcoming activities/ HW: students will do opposites in their GK workbooks
Activities done this week: Storytelling session (Snow White)
Passed: Vanamahotsav week was celebrated with each class doing activities to
spread awareness to save trees.
spread awareness to save trees.
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