
Friday, March 1, 2019

Nursery Weekly Report

Weekly lesson report: 33   Date: 25-2-2019 - 1-3-2019       Class:Nursery A&B
Class Teacher: Ms. Sara Azher( Nursery A & B)

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week:The learner profile which was focussed this week was
“knowledgeable” as the students learnt about different ways of transport.
Upcoming activities / HW:

Subject: EVS
Activities done this week: 1: Students differentiated different ways of transport.
They inquired about vehicles that are seen on road, in water and in sky.
This helped students develop communication and cognitive skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW:    Paste the pictures of vehicles that can be seen
on road, Water and sky in the scrap book.

Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
1: Students did backward counting of numbers from 10-1.
2: They recapitulated different shapes.
3: Students worked on identification of numbers through activities.
This helped students develop early math skills, and cognitive skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: English
Activities done this week: 1.Students recited the “abcd” song using sound modules and actions.
2. Students recapitulated lower case letters with their phonics and with their
related objects and they did tracing in tarjani book.
3. Letter “Tt and Uu” was introduced along with the objects.
4.We are focussing on lower case letters with phonics and objects.
This helped the students develop early reading, social, language, cognitive skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Make your child practice the lower case letter
with phonics and its related pictures.
Worksheet given and do the homework given in note book.
Make your child learn his/her father’s and mother’s name.

Subject: Art
Activities done:
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
1.Students enjoyed singing the rhymes on vehicles.
  • Wheels on the bus goes round and round
  • Bandar mama ki nayi gadi
  • Rhymes on vehicles like aeroplane, bus, car and bike
This helped students develop language and communication skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week: 1. Students did exercises through a rhyme “Walrus action song”.
Refer to the below link:
2; Students did warm up exercises and had free play.
3. Students tried the sensory pathway created in the cellar.
This will help child develop gross motor, sensory and cognitive skills.
This helped students develop fine motor and gross motor and physical gross motors skills.

Upcoming activities/ HW:
Note: Timetable and syllabus for the assessment have been sent through diary. Kindly check and keep
the timetable and syllabus safe and keep preparing your child for the assessment.

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