Weekly lesson report: 32 Date: 18-2-2019 - 22-2-2019 Class:Nursery A&B
Class Teacher: Ms. Sara Azher( Nursery A & B)
Subject: Learner Profile
Activities done this week:The learner profile which was focussed this week was “Inquirer”
as the students inquired about different vehicles they find on their ways.
Upcoming activities / HW:
Subject: EVS
Activities done this week: 1: Topic “Vehicles” have been started. To inquire about
vehicles students were asked “how they come to school”.
2. Students inquired about different types of vehicles that can be seen on road, water and sky.
This helped students develop communication and cognitive skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Do the worksheet given.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
1: Students recapitulated the shapes: circle, square, oval, star, rectangle and triangle.
New shape “diamond” was introduced. Students inquired about the
objects related to the above shapes through karadi book.
2: Students worked on identification of numbers through activities.
This helped students develop early math skills, and cognitive skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Worksheet given
Subject: English
Activities done this week: 1.Students recited the “ABCD” song using sound
modules and actions.
2. Students recapitulated lower case letters with their phonics and with their
related objects and they did tracing in tarjani book.
3. Letter “Ss” was introduced along with the objects.
4. Students played a game “what's your letter”. Students were given the handouts
of the letters/alphabets. The teacher asked who has letter a,b,c etc and the
students who had it raised their hands with the handouts and stood in a sequence.
5.We are focussing on lower case letters with phonics and objects.
6. Students are learning simple sentences like: 1.What is your name- My name is .......
2. Who are you, are you a girl or a boy- I am a girl/boy
This helped the students develop early reading, social, language, cognitive skills.
2. Who are you, are you a girl or a boy- I am a girl/boy
This helped the students develop early reading, social, language, cognitive skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Make your child practice the lower case letter with phonics
and its related pictures.
Worksheet given.
Subject: Art
Activities done:
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
- Students enjoyed singing all the rhymes that were done during their 1st and 2nd term.
This helped students develop language and communication skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week: 1. Students did exercises through a rhyme “Walrus action song”.
Refer to the below link:
2; Students did warm up exercises and had free play.
This helped students develop fine motor and gross motor and physical gross motors skills.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
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