Weekly lesson report: 28 Date:31st Dec - 4th Jan 2019 Class: 3B 
Subject: Learner’s Profile
Activities done this week
The LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE that was explained this week was being COURAGEOUS.
It means to be brave and confident to learn new things. It was a great to see the children being
little inquirers putting on their thinking caps by by learning about the biomes of the animals, understanding the characteristics of the biomes, and also getting enthusiastic to find out more
about their topic Adaptation. They even reflected their action and its consequences towards their environment.
Upcoming activities / HW:
It was a great pleasure to see the students enjoying the activities in class. The LEARNER
PROFILE ATTRIBUTE that was explained this week was being COURAGEOUS. It means
to be brave and confident to learn new things. It was great to see the children being little
inquirers putting on their thinking caps by making the flow chart of the new them, classifying
and grouping animals on their own understanding, and also getting enthusiastic to find out mSubject: Unit Of Inquiry
Activities done this week:
THEME:- Sharing the Planet
TOPIC:- Adaptation
CENTRAL IDEA:- Living things are affected by and adapt to the natural world.
- Characteristics of the major habitats/biomes.(Forms=> How is it like?)
- Physical adaptations and behavioral adaptations that allow an animal to survive in their biome. (Causation=>Why is it like it is?)
- Connection between animals and the people in those habitats.(Connection=>How is it connected to other things?)
- Students revised about the physical adaptations and behavioural adaptations that allow an animal to survive in that biome. LOI-2.
- Students made connections between animals and the people in those habitats,
- saw videos…….. and wrote notes in their books - LOI-2.
3. Students demonstrated their learning about LOI-2 and finished their assessment.
4. Students moved ahead and did inquiry on the connections between animals and the people in those habitats
5. Students revised LOI-3.
6. Threats and uses of different animals.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
- Inquiry on the uses and threats of different of animals..
- LOI-3 assessment on the coming Monday.
- Summative assessment will be conducted for the topic adaptation on Wednesday. Please revise and come.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
- Learnt 3 & 4 times tables and did a quiz on it.
- Mental math with Ten Quick Questions.
- Students started with addition(place value, number names, expanded form, in horizontal position as well)
- Conversion table for length.
- Practice sums for conversion of mts to cms.
- Comparison in measurement of length with practice sums as well.
- Addition with examples in measurement of length with practice sums.
Upcoming activities/ HW
- Practice in comparison, ascending & descending order in measurement of length for the H.W sent
- Ascending & descending order in measurement of length with practice sums as well.
- Greater than and less than in measurement of length with practice sums as well..
- Addition practice sums with examples in measurement of length sent.
Subject: English
Activities done this week:
- Task cards and follow up activity.
- Journal writing-My best friend……..
1. Teacher read out the books on different biomes and how plants and animals survive in those biomes. (circle time activity)
2. Students enjoyed the story of Stuck.
- Practice with prepositional phrases.
- Practice with in, on, at prepositions(inverted triangle)
- Underlining and fill up the blanks with the correct prepositions activity.
- Preposition assessment taken.
- Introduction to compound words with examples with practice work given in C.W.
- Sight word spell quiz done.
Upcoming activities/ HW:-
- Learn sight words and vocab words for recapitulation.
- Practice work with for prepositions sent.
- Practice work with examples for compound words sent.ore about their new topic Adaptation. They even reflected their action and its consequences towards their environment.
Please help them in their work. Thank you!
Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week
ऊ की मात्रा के शब्दों को पढ़ाया और लिखाया गया |
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: Telugu
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW.
Subject: Art
Activities done this week:.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: ICT
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: P.E
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: G.K.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Library
Activities done this week:-
Upcoming activities/ HW
Dear Parent, children are very excited and enthusiastic about the upcoming event, their annual day.
Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy and Blessed New Year!
Diary:- Dear Parents, Please check and sign the child’s diary on daily basis to keep yourself updated.
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