Weekly lesson report: 11 Date: 27th August - 31st August Class 5B

Subject: Learner Profile
Activities done this week: The learner profile followed this week was
Inquirers. Students developed their natural curiosity, and acquired
the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and researched to show
independence in learning. They actively enjoyed learning and
this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
Upcoming activities / HW: Students will continue to be Inquirer
this week. They will develop their natural curiosity, and acquire
the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research to show
independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and
this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
Activities done this week:
TRANSDISCIPLINARY THEME - How the world works.
Central idea: Energy may be converted, transformed and
used to support human progress.
Lines of inquiry:
- Different forms of energy sources (renewable and
- How energy is used (transformation)
- Sustainable energy practices
Finding Out:
- Students watched videos on transformation of energy. This was followed by a class discussion.
- Students made models on various forms on energy. They presented their work in front of the class and demonstrated the energy transformation taking place in their model.
- Students listed out a few sources of energy and sorted them as renewable or non-renewable.
- Students wrote a Formative assessment based on LOI-1.
Upcoming activities/ HW: Mention TEN energy transformation you
see around your house and write them in your notebook.
Subject: Math
Activities done this week:
- The students were able to read analyse and solve the word problems given to them.
- Math quiz using all the four operations was conducted in groups
- Introduction and problems based on DMAS rule was practised.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
- Problems based on DMAS rule given
Subject: English
Activities done this week:
Adjectives were done. Students gained an in depth understanding
of Positive, Comparative, and Superlative degrees of adjective.
Reading: Students did Author study on the author ‘Roald Dahl’.
Speaking:Various activities were done to strengthen
speaking skills in students. Students discussed various
sources of energy and how energy must be conserved.
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
ए की मात्रा मे वाक्य लेखन करवाया गया|
पाठ से सम्बन्धित कार्य करवाया गया|
ऐ की मात्रा मे शब्द और वाक्य लेखन करवाया गया|
परीक्षा ली गई|
Upcoming activities/ HW
दिए गए ग्रहकार्य को सम्पूर्ण कीजिए|
Subject: Telugu
Activities done this week:
Students Practiced for Telugu Assembly.
Students make the words given from the letters.
Students read the story and completed the task based on Story book.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Refer the link given below
Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students learnt to make posters.
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: :Students written asset test
Upcoming activities/ HW:
Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW
Subject: Library
Activities done this week: selection of students,
made the groups, and selected the story for
drama and character dress up followed by discussion.
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