
Friday, August 17, 2018

C1B Weekly Lesson Report

Weekly lesson report: 10                 Date: 13th - 16th August 2018                 Class 1B

Subject: Learner Profile            
Activities done this week: The learner profile attribute focused this week was “caring” as the students learned to help each other to plan and celebrate birthdays.
Upcoming activities / HW: explain the importance of involvement in taking charge/helping during different activities done in class

Subject: Unit Of Inquiry
How we express ourselves
Central Idea

Celebrations and traditions are expressions of shared beliefs and values.
Why people celebrate
Features of traditions and celebrations
Symbolic representations of celebrations and traditions

Activities done this week: students brainstormed and drafted unit related vocabulary. Independence day was celebrated and students appreciated the different languages and cultures of our country. The story “Party Time” by Lauren Cecil (  was read in class; students identified all the characters present in the story and the jobs that were assigned to the characters then the students prepared invitation card to invite their friend for party at their home.

Upcoming activities/ HW: Bring one artifact (object) used in celebration on Monday, 20/08/18.

Subject: Math
Activities done this week: students wrote the definition of patterns and drew patterns in their notebooks. Numbers 201 - 250 written in the notebook along with number names
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: English
Activities done this week:  students read the story “The blue jackal” in session 11 & 12 & new action commands, spoken commands and directed commands in Karadi Path session 13.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: Urdu
Activities done this week    مرکب حروف تہجی کا تعارف کروایا گیا اور مرکب حروف تہجی میں
جن حروف کا استعمال ہوتا ہے ان کی آدھی اشکال کو بتایا گیا
ساتھ ساتھ حروف علت ا, و, ی, ے کا اعادہ کیا گیا۔
Upcoming activities/ HW :   ------
Subject: Hindi
Activities done this week:
अक्षर लिखाया गया |
  से तक पढ़ाया गया |
Upcoming activities/ HW
दिए गए ग्रहकार्य को सम्पूर्ण कीजिए |
Subject: Telugu
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Art
Activities done this week: Students learned to draw a sheep and pasted cotton on it in view of upcoming Bakr Eid festival.

Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Music
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: ICT
Activities done this week: Students completed the given task sheet related to parts of computer.
Upcoming activities/ HW:

Subject: P.E-
Activities done this week: Bowling game
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: G.K.
Activities done this week:
Upcoming activities/ HW

Subject: Library
Activities done this week:  No class
Passed: Independence day 
Upcoming: Eid ul Adha


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